Friday, November 15, 2019


Welcome to my new blog for all things art related. From watercolor to card making. 
A place where life and art blend to inspire you to create your own creative journey.   

I was sharing with my sweetie who is an amazing talented writer that I have a hard time sitting down to type and share on my blog.  I wasn't feeling sorry for myself I was like well I have all this amazing things to share.... then a little voice creeped in, saying "No cares what you have to say."  Now I'm not sure if you have this little voice inside you that reminds you of your insecurities. Instead of being like who cares I'll share anyway even if one person is inspired it's worth it..... I just did nothing instead. I didn't make a choice not to post... I made the choice to do nothing since I had this inner conflict that I feel is completely stupid.  I  had to be honest with myself and realize that I truly believed for the longest time that no one cares what I have to say... I have no idea where that came from. I have alway been talkative.  I have always loved sharing what I learn and teaching, that reinforces what Ive learned. But I did nothing. I realized I made a choice by not making a choice. How silly is that.  

So.... long winded welcome.... =)   

On a more overcoming note.... Welcome!

This is going to be a place of inspiration, sharing my thoughts, techniques, teaching you what I learn and sharing what I create. 

I don't know about you but I can be a little ADD with things. I start a project, then start another, and another. I usually have 4-5 projects going at the same time. My favorite medium is watercolor. I love the way the pigment floats across the page. How the light reflects through the paint like not other. 
I'm excited to have you on this journey with me. All I can say is buckle up, we are in for an adveture!

I posted the video below a couple weeks ago to youtube. hope you enjoy.

My current favorite obsession is painting crystals.  I am releasing an Amethyst watercolor I did this weekend. I have planner stickers, prints, individual stickers, cards and postcards. 

Here is a little sneak peek of Amethyst good vides painting. 

Check out my Etsy shop for the new crystal art work that I will be adding to my shop tomorrow.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Wishing you good and creative vibes. 


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